In each hub, only a relevant part of your own identity plays a role. The concept reminds me of the defunct Google+, where you also had several "circles". Pub Hubs is still under development and should be ready within five years (quite a long time by internet terms). It is part of the coalition of public organizations called Publics paces . Element & Matrix Meanwhile, De Greene Amsterdam and Wagg are conducting an. Experiment on the Element app. There you can discuss the search for a safe digital public space. Element is similar to WhatsApp: you can send messages and create groups there. It uses the Matrix protocol, which has the advantage that it enables communication between different apps (read the detailed explanation of De Greene Amsterdam here ).
Element breaking away from big tech. I decided to join in and became a member of the 'room' 'Getting rid of Big Tech' this week. But when you enter a room like that, it's like breaking into a conversation that's been going on for hours (or even days, actually). You see job function email list one long conversation thread, where you have to scroll far up to find the beginning. It's difficult to just break into the conversation and not encouraging to read the entire conversation from the beginning. It is clear that the UI could be better. And maybe a community manager can also play a part in this, by regularly welcoming newcomers and showing them the way.
WT Social (aka WikiTribune Social) is a social network founded in 2019 by Jimmy Wales (co-founder of Wikipedia). It should be an alternative to Facebook and Twitter. There are no ads and it runs on donations. WT Social home page. I've been a member of WT Social since December 2019 and honestly I hardly ever go there, let alone post anything. The design feels like the internet of 2010 (or maybe even earlier, guess what?).