Komodo Chess 9.42 [Latest] Full Version PATCHED
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The tests on the website immortalchess in a personal meeting,stockfish with the latest patch, in a personal meeting with 7 version,showed a gain of 27 Elo,but against Houdini 4 and Komodo 9.42 showed an increase of as much as 45 Elo!!!This is a real monster!Superstockfish.
Now as concerns Komodo 10. It's only a few 'elo' more than the old Komodo 9.42 which could be purchased before 10 was released. It's all about the annual TCEC tourney and trying to 'win' it as to when an 'official' new version is released. Heck, programmers can make changes between rounds. Its' all about winning that and as Stockfish is open source, the Komodo team ( I have owned multiple Komodo engines) have an advantage on the face of it.
Komodo,a chess engine by primary author Don Dailey (died at the age of 57 on November 22, 2013) and since October 2013, by Mark Lefler, supported by chess advisor and evaluation expert and Don's long time collaborator Larry Kaufman. Since 2015, opening book expert Erdogan Günes is responsible for Komodo's book moves.At the WCCC 2016 Komodo 10.x first time won the Shannon Trophy, defended by subsequent versions at the WCCC 2017, WCCC 2018 and WCCC 2019 so far. In November 2020, the Dragon by Komodo Chess was released, featuring NNUE technology. 1e1e36bf2d